Hair is the most important accessory for both men and women. It is normal to lose 100-150 strands of hair per day. Because hair has growth, resting and shedding phases. Hair in the resting phase naturally falls out after a while and new hair grows back in its place. In a healthy person, 85% of the hair is in the growth-resting phase and 15% is in the shedding phase. In clinical practice, there are 2 types of hair loss: telogen effluvium and androgenetic alopecia (male pattern hair loss).
Telogen Effluvium
This type of hair loss is common in women. The hair loss is in the form of a diffuse, increased hair shedding. Iron and B12 vitamin deficiency, zinc deficiency, stressful life, febrile illness, some diseases affecting metabolism (such as thyroid, etc.) and the use of certain drugs are among the most common causes. Hair becomes normal again within 6-9 months following the disappearance of the factors causing shedding. The patient with a diffuse hair loss should consult a dermatologist. The factors causing the shedding are investigated and, if necessary, an examination is performed. If there is an underlying cause, treatment should be continued until this condition resolves.
Male Pattern Hair Loss (Androgenic Alopecia)
It is a type of hair loss associated with the sensitivity of hair follicles to male hormone in people with a genetic predisposition. It can also be seen in women. At the age of 20-30, it starts with the baldness of the sides and top of the head and weakening of the hair follicles, and if not intervened, complete baldness may occur. The aim of treatment is to reduce shedding and strengthen existing hair follicles. For this purpose, there are various treatment options such as hair sprays, mesotherapy, stem cell therapy, and PRP therapy.
How is Hair Loss Treated?
First, the type and causes of the hair loss should be investigated. Correct diagnosis and approach are important for an effective treatment. The patient with hair loss should consult a dermatologist and blood tests should be done if necessary. After the diagnosis is made, the individualized treatment plan for the hair loss is determined.