Kozmetik Dermatoloji Nedir?
Dermatolojinin alt birimi olan kozmetik dermatoloji; estetik sorunların çözümü ile ilgilenir. Dolgu uygulamaları, cilt gençleştirme, kırışıklık, leke tedavileri, bölgesel zayıflama, lazer epilasyon, saç ekimi gibi uygulamaları içerir.
What is Medical Skin Care? Most of the skin problems can be corrected with the correct application of daily skin...
What is Golden Needle Fractional Radiofrequency? “Fractional Radiofrequency”, known as “Golden Needle”, which is a popular application recently, is one...
Skin blemishes are a person’s one of the worst nightmares. Different types of blemishes can occur for various reasons, especially...
What are Dermal Fillers? For What Purpose Is a Dermal Fillers Procedure Made? With age, the fat pads on our...
What are Lip Fillers? To Whom Can It Be Applied? Lips have an important place in aesthetic appearance and are...
What is Chemical Peel? The chemical peel is the procedure that allows the top layers of the skin to be...
What is Mesotherapy? Mesotherapy; It is the process of injecting some ready-to-use solutions into the skin and subcutaneous tissues with...