What is Callus?
Calluses are regional skin thickenings that develop due to repetitive traumas such as regular friction in pressure areas that coincide with bony prominences. Although the fifth toe edge of the foot is the typical localization, it is also common on the sole of the foot and between the toes. It can be painful at times.
Why Callus Occur?
Narrow, heeled or tight shoes that are not suitable for the foot structure cause calluses due to pressure to the area. In addition, orthopedic problems of the foot (such as flat feet, high arches) can bring the pressure on the sole of the foot to one side and cause calluses.
How Is Callus Treated?
First of all, the cause of the formation of the callus is analyzed. In treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying mechanical cause. If the patient has calluses due to the foot posture problems, a specially prepared orthopedic insoles that support the sole of the foot should be given to provide balance and callus treatment should be started with it. Skin peeling solutions, cryotherapy, cauterization, curettage and surgery are the main treatments in necessary cases.